Reversing and Patching Minesweeper Part 1 -- Installation and Basic Modification

Posted at — Aug 4, 2022

Hello readers, and welcome to the second article in this series. In this article, we will be installing Ghidra and setting up our project, then we will make some basic modifications to our target program. Grab a cup of coffee and be prepared to down it, because this is a long one.

Time for our first modification!

Ghidra Installation

Once you have navigated to the link from the first article(you can also find it here), you will see the following page:

The latest release of Ghidra.

After finding the latest release on the GitHub page, click on the first zip under Assets. Once downloaded, extract it using your preferred program. Keep in mind, you will need at least 1gb of space for extraction, and most likely more for other parts(projects, programs).

Now that Ghidra has been installed, you can run it using ghidraRun.bat, or similar on different operating systems.

Note: if any problems arise when installing, refer to the Ghidra’s Troubleshooting Section, found here.

I made a shortcut on my Desktop for easy access.

Setting up our first project

We’re almost ready to start Reverse Engineering Minesweeper! Once Ghidra is open, it should look like this:

Now we need to create a project.

Conveniently, Ghidra uses a project-based system, rather than individual files, as many times you may be working with multiple files for your needs.

To create a project, click on File -> New Project…, or press CTRL+N(or any similar shortcuts depending on the operating system). First you will be asked if you want to create a Non-Shared Project or a Shared Project. For this series, as it is only us, we will be using a Non-Shared Project. However keep in mind, that Shared Projects can be handy for certain situations. If we click through, we will be asked where we want to put our project. For this series, I will use the folder I created for projects as seem in a image earlier, C:\Ghidra\Projects. Give it a name, and hit Finish!

The final step in our project creation process.

Now that we have created the project, we need to add our files. For now, we will only be using one file, Winmine__XP.exe downloaded in the first article. We can import that through clicking File -> Import File… or pressing I. From there, navigate to where you downloaded Minesweeper, then click Select File To Import. You will get the following popup, and ensure everything looks correct, as seen below.

The import dialogue.

Once loaded in, you will see a file summary of the file you just imported. You can ignore this for now, as it can be opened up later again if needed.

Time to open up the file! We can open it simply by double clicking the file under our current project. Once opened, the window will look something like this:

Low image quality, it’s asking if you want to analyze the file.

You can select Yes, then click Analyze. We will be using default settings for now. You can see the progress in the bottom right, but it should be relatively fast because of how small the file is. You’ve now successfully setup your project! Next, we will be making a basic modification, through changing some of the sounds in the program, but first we need to find where the sounds are, and try and understand a bit more about the program.

Learning more about our target program

First, we need to think about what we are looking for. As we are changing the sounds, we need to know what sounds play, and understand how they happened.

Now we get to play Minesweeper!

After turning on sound through the Game tab, we can hear the following sounds when playing the game:

Now that we have established what we are looking for and how we get it, let’s do some brainstorming and then jump into the code.

If you think about the game, you will notice that for it not to be repetitive, it needs some sort of randomness inside the mine placement, so you can’t memorize where they are. They most likely didn’t make their own random number engine, as using a widespread library is much easier.

We don’t know it yet, but once you go into the code you will see that this program is written in C++. Upon searching up “c++ random” in a search engine, we can see that the first result is a page talking about the rand library, found here. It looks a bit old, but we can see that the library named rand can be used for random numbers, and upon looking into other code examples, it seems to be pretty widespread.

Since it looks like mines are generated randomly when a new game is made or when the first tile is clicked, and the timer starts ticking when the game starts, searching for this library in Ghidra could help us find a good area where we might find some sound related code.

Upon opening up Ghidra again, we can see many things, but the place we are interested in mainly right now, is Symbol Tree, as this can show us functions, imported and exported DLLs, Labels, and more. Thankfully, instead of searching through each, we can use the Filter area below. Upon searching up rand, we can see two things under the MSVCRT DLL, as seen in the below image.

Yes! They are using the library we searched up.

If we right click on rand we can see the following option Show references to. If we click on it, we will see the following window:

You can also press CTRL+SHIFT+F.

If we select the first reference, we can see the following code in the Decompiler window:

Hmm, what could it all mean?

If we go back to the earlier rand reference website, we can see the following example code:

Looks similar.

As we can see, a random number is generated through using “rand() % num”. As we can see in the decompiled code, iVar1 is set to rand() and then it is divided by the provided parameter. As we can see, this function creates a random number using a provided one. We can look for times this function was referenced to by right clicking the function name, then clicking References, then clicking References to [function name], or simply clicking on the function and then pressing CRTL+SHIFT+F.

When looking under the references, there is only two, and they both seem to be coming from relatively the same area. Visiting said area will bring us to some weird code, that is hard to figure out exactly what it does.

The decompiled C++ code.

But not all hope is lost yet. We can whip out another tool downloaded earlier, Cheat Engine. Whilst it’s mainly used for game hacking, we can repurpose it for our needs, which is settings breakpoints in code. First, launch your Minesweeper executable, then open Cheat Engine. You can attach it to your Minesweeper process through clicking on the search icon in the top left, then searching through the process list to find one named similarly to our executable.

Our Minesweeper process.

Once you click Open, you are attached to the process. To add our address that we want to add a breakpoint to in the code, we need to add it under Add Address Manually. Find the address of the code we want to investigate in Ghidra, then click OK. If we right click on the address in the Address List, we can see an option to disassemble the memory region near this address.

Our address that we want to look into.

By doing this, we can see the Assembly instructions around our address, which match up with the ones from Ghidra. Once we get to the correct code, we can set a breakpoint through right clicking the line, then clicking Set Breakpoint. If a popup happens asking to attach debugger, click Yes. Now, if we play Minesweeper and start a new game, we will see it freeze, indicating a breakpoint was hit. If we navigate back to Cheat Engine, we can see options at the top of where we set the breakpoint. If we click run, we can see the breakpoint was hit again. If we click Run multiple times, it will eventually stop, and we can play our game. Through this, we can conclude that on game startup, it generates the mines then rather then on first click. No luck here.

But don’t be discouraged! There is many other ways we can sift through the code. Anyways, this is still very helpful, as we now know where we have to modify if we want to change the mine count, the random placement, etc. Thinking back to the sound, the timer tick sound only starts when you first click on a tile. If we find when the timer tick sound starts, we might be able to change it then, or we could also try and find when the timer increases, as a sound is played then too. Cheat Engine can track variables, and even change them. If we go back to Cheat Engine, we can start our first search for the value of 0, which is the timer value when we start a new game.

That’s a lot of results.

Since it would take forever to sort through all of the results, we can click on our first mine, increasing the timer. Since it would be too difficult to correctly time our search for when the timer is a specific value, we can change the scan type to Increased Value. Every time the timer increases, we can do another scan through clicking Next Scan. Soon the results will get low enough to just scroll through the addresses, and find the one that increases correctly with the timer.

We found it!

If we now add this to our address list through double clicking on the address, in the address list we can change it through right clicking the address, Change Record -> Value. If we change it back to something like 10, we can see the timer starts counting up from 10. Now that we have correctly identified our timer variable, let’s search for it in our code.

If we press G in our project or go to Navigation -> Go To… we can input the address of our timer variable in it, and click OK.

The variable inside the code.

As usual, we can search for references to it, through using the right click menu or shortcuts.

Where to go first?

Since to modify a variable you have to write to it, we can select the different locations that write to it.

The first reference.

When looking through it seems that the first write checks if a variable isn’t 0(which is most likely a variable checking if we started), then it checks if the current time is below 999, because as for Minesweeper’s time display, it stops ticking at 999, as that is the max amount of time it can display. We see that it increases our variable by 1, then calls two functions. Double clicking on the first one returns a function with a bunch of hard to read code, but this is most likely not where it plays sound. If the developers were efficient, they would have one function, where multiple sounds could be played through an argument. The second function has a argument when it get’s called, so lets investigate it.

Yes! PlaySound!

We can see that it first checks if a variable is equal to 3, which we don’t know. But most likely, this is just a variable checking if the game started or not. If we look further, we can see that it plays sound! If the inputted argument is 1, it plays a specific sound, same for 2 and 3! Now, all we have to do is to set a breakpoint in the earlier code to test the timer counting function. If we press ALT+LEFT, or press the back arrow in the top menu of buttons, we can go back to that spot, and mark down the address of where the function is called.

We found the function, but we can’t see an address of the line of code in the Decompiler, so how do we find it?

If we look through the function code in the main Listing window that shows Assembly Code, we can see the following code:

The function call.

In Assembly, the instruction CALL basically just “calls” a function. If we want to supply an argument with the call, we will PUSH it first, as you can see above the CALL. We can see the address on the side, which we can then use in Cheat Engine to set a breakpoint, as explained earlier.

Once we set the breakpoint at the address, we can see that whenever the timer increases, the breakpoint is hit, then once the breakpoint is stepped through, the sound is played. So now, we have figured out that when was pass 1 into the sound function, it is the timer tick. As we could see when looking at the sound function, 2 and 3 also played different sounds. To keep it simple, for this first modification, we will change the timer tick sound to a different one. As we can see, all we need to do is change one line of code, and we have an entirely different sound!

Thankfully, as it pushes 1 instead of a variable, we have some available space to change this to whatever number we desire. However, if you don’t have enough space to add new code or change old pieces, you will have to make more space somewhere, jump to it, and jump back. You don’t have to worry about that now however, as we will learn that later, and it is not needed for our purposes.

To patch a instruction, we can simply right click on the line of code, then press Patch Instruction, or hit CTRL+SHIFT+G. From there, we can change the hex value of 1(0x1), to the hex value of 2(0x2).

Patching the instruction.

From there, you can press enter to apply the changes. Now that we have changed the instruction, we need to create a new executable. As it won’t change automatically, we have to make it ourselves in Ghidra through clicking File -> Export Program, or pressing O. Make sure the format is PE so we can easily run it and that the output file is in the right location, then press OK.

Finally, we finished!

Now if we run our patched executable, we can hear the win sound as the timer tick! It might get annoying fast, but we successfully patched our first program!


Even though the thought process might seem difficult at first for patching a binary, with experience you can quickly recognize what functions do, and what you need to change.

In the next article, we will be using our knowledge of the program and Reverse Engineering to rig the mine count to make every tile a mine.

Thanks for reading, merrittlj