Oct 14, 2023
An argument for openness The idea of broad openness in all systems around us, while seemingly extreme, is what I believe is necessary in the future. Specifically, this article will discuss the software side of this topic, concerning proprietary applications and their impact, as well as the effectiveness of open source projects. While this is somewhat based in fact and observations from myself and others, it is important to preface this with the idea that this is my opinion and my thoughts on this topic, and this article is mainly exploratory into the philosophy of openness in technology and its impacts.…
Apr 15, 2023
Welcome to my new blog What are the older posts? You may notice that posts have been written before this one. I have ported my posts from Medium, as I greatly prefer the customizability and more professional manner of a blog using a static site generator, and I get to write posts in Markdown as well. My previous posts consider reverse engineering minesweeper for a end-product of forcing every cell in a board to contain a mine.…
Aug 14, 2022
Reversing and Patching Minesweeper Part 2 -- Advanced Modifications Hello readers, and welcome to the third article in this series. In this article, we will be using our knowledge of Minesweeper’s code to make more advanced modifications, such as making all of the tiles mines. We do a little trolling. Going back to the Part 1 As a little refresher, in the second article we searched through Minesweeper’s code, and found where mines are randomly created, and where the timer started ticking.…
Aug 4, 2022
Reversing and Patching Minesweeper Part 1 -- Installation and Basic Modification Hello readers, and welcome to the second article in this series. In this article, we will be installing Ghidra and setting up our project, then we will make some basic modifications to our target program. Grab a cup of coffee and be prepared to down it, because this is a long one. Time for our first modification! Ghidra Installation Once you have navigated to the link from the first article(you can also find it here), you will see the following page:…
Aug 2, 2022
Reversing and Patching Minesweeper Part 0 -- Introduction Hello readers, and welcome to my first article I’ve wrote and the first in this series. In this series we will be Reverse Engineering a basic, old Windows Minesweeper binary and creating custom patches for our desired functionality. This is going to be a fun series. My goal for this series There are many different reasons why I’m starting this series. However, in general, besides having fun, this is meant to be a well documented, easy introduction to Reverse Engineering binaries as a whole; and some of this knowledge can even be used outside of this topic.…